Embracing Failure: The Key to Growth at Mastery Martial Arts

Why are so many people, both kids and adults, afraid to fail?

It turns out that humans are very good at attaching disempowering feelings and emotions to failure, such as:

  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Inadequacy
  • Fear of judgment
  • Disappointment
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Regret
  • Low self-esteem
  • Frustration
  • Self-doubt

As a result, it’s often easier to avoid taking action to avoid these negative feelings.

But all the success in life lies just on the other side of fear.

What a conundrum.

This is why we teach the Mastery Leaders that failure is your friend.

What Does That Mean?

Failure is nothing more than the next layer of learning. Wouldn’t it be better to think, “I didn’t fail; I learned something I didn’t previously know”?

And that makes me feel good.

So when you see your child fail at something, ask them, “What did you learn from that moment? How can we improve next time?”

Let your child know that this is the natural learning process. Whenever we try something new, it’s not likely we will be very good at it the first few times.

Everyone goes through this, but only leaders understand that failure is a great chance to learn and not a reason to put yourself down.

Mastery Martial Arts and the Growth Mindset

At Mastery Martial Arts, our instructors coach kids through the failure cycle, helping them develop a learning mindset, also known as a growth mindset. Our students understand that learning is a process and that making mistakes is a natural part of their journey to mastery. This approach not only builds resilience but also empowers them to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth.

Why Choose Mastery Martial Arts for Your Child?

If you’re searching for “kids martial arts near me,” look no further. Mastery Martial Arts provides an environment where children can learn essential life skills, build confidence, and develop a healthy mindset towards failure and success. Our programs are designed to support your child’s growth, both physically and mentally, preparing them for all of life’s challenges.


By teaching children to see failure as a friend and a stepping stone to success, we are preparing them for a lifetime of learning and growth. The skills they acquire at Mastery Martial Arts go beyond the dojo, helping them navigate challenges in all areas of their lives.

So, give yourself permission to take massive action without those disempowering feelings.

Let’s go!

For more information or to find a “kids martial arts near me,” visit Mastery Martial Arts and discover how we can help your child thrive.