Helping Kids Create Powerful “I AM” Statements at Mastery Martial Arts

At Mastery Martial Arts, we believe that helping kids develop clarity and confidence through powerful “I AM” statements is crucial for their overall development. Our program is designed to support children in creating these affirmations, providing evidence of their strengths, and reinforcing their positive self-image.

Why “I AM” Statements Are Important

  1. Building Positive Self-Identity
    • “I AM” statements help children define who they are in a positive light. Affirming their strengths and qualities regularly helps them develop a strong sense of self-identity.
  2. Boosting Self-Confidence
    • Positive affirmations build self-confidence, encouraging children to believe in their abilities and face challenges head-on.
  3. Encouraging a Growth Mindset
    • By emphasizing qualities that can be developed and improved, “I AM” statements promote a growth mindset, helping kids understand that they can grow through effort and persistence.
  4. Reducing Negative Self-Talk
    • Counteracting negative thoughts with positive affirmations helps children replace self-doubt with constructive and empowering messages.
  5. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
    • Using “I AM” statements encourages children to reflect on their emotions and articulate them positively, enhancing their emotional intelligence.
  6. Supporting Mental Health
    • Affirmations contribute to better mental health by fostering a positive outlook and reducing anxiety.

How We Help at Mastery Martial Arts

  1. Daily Affirmation Practice
    • We encourage kids to start their classes with a few “I AM” statements, setting a positive tone and mindset for their training sessions.
  2. Visualization Techniques
    • Our instructors guide students through visualization exercises, helping them imagine themselves embodying the qualities they affirm.
  3. Incorporating Affirmations into Activities
    • We integrate “I AM” statements into various activities, such as martial arts drills, life skills lessons, and journaling, to keep the practice engaging and relevant.
  4. Modeling Positive Affirmations
    • Our instructors and mentors model the use of positive “I AM” statements, showing kids the power of positive self-talk through example.
  5. Creating a Positive Environment
    • Our training centers are filled with visual reminders of positive “I AM” statements, reinforcing the importance of affirmations in a supportive environment.

Example “I AM” Statements for Kids

  1. “I am strong.”
  2. “I am kind.”
  3. “I am capable.”
  4. “I am a good friend.”
  5. “I am confident.”
  6. “I am a learner.”
  7. “I am resilient.”
  8. “I am brave.”
  9. “I am responsible.”
  10. “I am proud of myself.”

Evidence of Powerful “I AM” Statements

At Mastery Martial Arts, we go beyond just affirmations. We help children find evidence of their strengths and abilities in their daily activities and accomplishments. For example:

  • Skill Mastery: When a student successfully learns a new martial arts technique, we highlight it with statements like “I am capable.”
  • Positive Behaviors: Recognizing acts of kindness or leadership with affirmations such as “I am kind” or “I am a leader.”
  • Overcoming Challenges: Celebrating when students face and overcome challenges, reinforcing affirmations like “I am resilient” and “I am brave.”


At Mastery Martial Arts, we are committed to helping kids create powerful “I AM” statements, providing clarity and evidence of their strengths. This practice builds a strong foundation for a positive self-concept, emotional resilience, and a growth mindset. By incorporating affirmations into our daily activities and creating a supportive environment, we empower children to develop a positive self-image and achieve a happy, healthy future.