Helping Children Overcome Natural Tendencies: A Guide for Parents

Isn’t it interesting how humans are preprogrammed with natural tendencies that often don’t align with what parents want for their kids? As parents, we want our children to be confident, happy, and full of life with a positive mindset. Yet, these natural tendencies can sometimes hold them back. At Mastery Martial Arts, we believe that understanding these tendencies can greatly benefit our young students’ growth and development. By being aware of these tendencies and working with us to address them, you can help your child build a strong, resilient mindset. Here are some key human nature tendencies to be aware of and how we can work together to help your child rise above them:

1. Fear of Failure

Tendency: Many children fear failure and avoid taking risks.

Strategy: Encourage a growth mindset. Emphasize that failure is a part of learning and growth. Celebrate effort and improvement rather than just success. At Mastery Martial Arts, we focus on progress and perseverance, teaching children that each challenge is an opportunity to grow.

2. Seeking Immediate Gratification

Tendency: Children often seek instant rewards and can be impatient with long-term goals.

Strategy: Teach the value of delayed gratification. Use short-term incentives that lead to long-term rewards. For instance, small rewards for daily practice leading to a bigger achievement, like a belt promotion. This helps children understand the importance of patience and consistent effort.

3. Conformity

Tendency: There is a strong desire to fit in and follow the crowd.

Strategy: Foster individuality and self-confidence. Highlight the unique strengths of your child and encourage them to embrace their differences. Teach them the importance of standing up for their values. Our kid’s martial arts classes are designed to build self-esteem and celebrate each child’s unique qualities.

4. Avoidance of Discomfort

Tendency: People naturally avoid situations that cause discomfort or challenge.

Strategy: Create a supportive environment where discomfort is seen as an opportunity for growth. Teach techniques to manage and overcome discomfort, such as mindfulness and breathing exercises. We help children face their fears and push through challenges in a safe and encouraging setting.

5. Negative Self-Talk

Tendency: Children can be highly critical of themselves, leading to negative self-talk.

Strategy: Promote positive self-talk and affirmations. Encourage your child to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Regularly practice exercises that build self-esteem and confidence. Our instructors consistently reinforce positive thinking and self-affirmation during classes.

6. Dependency on External Validation

Tendency: Seeking approval from others to feel good about oneself.

Strategy: Encourage intrinsic motivation. Help your child set personal goals and find satisfaction in their own progress and achievements. Recognize their efforts consistently, but also teach them to value their own opinions of their progress. At Mastery Martial Arts, we emphasize the importance of self-approval and internal motivation.

7. Resistance to Change

Tendency: People often resist change due to fear of the unknown.

Strategy: Introduce change gradually and explain its benefits. Use storytelling and examples to show how change has positively impacted others. Encourage flexibility and adaptability as part of martial arts training. We help children see change as an exciting opportunity rather than something to fear.

8. Tendency to Blame Others

Tendency: Shifting responsibility to others when things go wrong.

Strategy: Teach accountability and personal responsibility. Create a culture where children reflect on their actions and understand their role in outcomes. Use role-playing to practice handling situations responsibly. Our kid’s martial arts classes encourage children to take ownership of their actions and learn from their mistakes.

Working Together for Your Child’s Success

  1. Role-Modeling: Demonstrate these strategies through your own behavior. Your actions serve as a powerful example for your child.
  2. Consistent Reinforcement: Regularly remind your child of these concepts. Reinforcement helps make these strategies a natural part of their thinking process.
  3. Interactive Activities: Engage in games, drills, and activities that target these tendencies. For example, role-playing scenarios where your child must use positive self-talk or face a challenging situation with resilience.
  4. Open Discussions: Create a safe space for your child to talk about their feelings and experiences. Open discussions can help them understand and articulate their tendencies and how to overcome them.
  5. Collaboration with Instructors: Engage with Mastery Martial Arts instructors to reinforce these strategies both at home and in the dojo. We provide resources and tips to support your child’s growth outside of classes.

By understanding and addressing these human nature tendencies, you can help your child develop into a strong, resilient individual who not only excels in martial arts but also in life. Together, we can shape their mindset and character, preparing them for future challenges with confidence and integrity.

Join us at Mastery Martial Arts and let’s empower your child to reach their full potential!