Why Are Kids So Anxious Today?

If you have a child battling anxiety or childhood depression, or know of a friend or two with the same situation, know that you are not alone today. Countless studies have reported that kids feel more stress in America today than ever before, as “free play time” becomes a thing of the past with rigorous schedules and secluded activities that revolve around the iPhone or tablet.

As a result, data released by the National Survey of Children’s Health for ages 6 to 17 found a 20% increase in the diagnoses of anxiety between the years of 2007 and 2012.

It’s not a reality we ever want to see for our children, which is why it’s so important we first understand why kids are so anxious today. From there, we can make a plan of action to turn this trend around and allow them to be happy and free of worry and stress.

Why Are Kids So Anxious Today?

  1. Social Media: Social media is all about self-image, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. Kids are obsessed with who “likes or comments” on their photo. As a result, incredible pressure is placed on physical appearance and the ability to express oneself openly on social media. For kids that don’t fit in that mold, they are feeling pressure to conform, change their bodies, and change their personalities to be more likeable on social media.
  1. School Competition: Schools are placing academic pressure on students like never before. The rate of competitiveness is astounding, especially if children want to go to a good college. With the world now accessible with just one flight, the competition is global, and that can be really hard for some children to process.
  1. Less Playtime: Since school has become so highly competitive, children have less and less time to get outside and simply be kids. As a result, they are missing out on essential playtime that can provide them with self-confidence, courage, and creative expression. They are spending more time cooped up inside with their electronics, feeding into social media, and constantly sizing themselves up against other students.
  1. Rigorous Scheduling: In some capacity, more adults have anxiety than ever before as well, which means they are exerting their anxiety onto their children. They do this in the form of over-scheduling and never letting their kids out of their sight. Children therefore don’t have independence to express themselves and learn more about their own personal passions.

Fear Not – There is a Solution

In order to combat the rate of childhood anxiety, there needs to be a solution that targets both mental and physical development. That’s why martial arts programs are becoming increasingly popular – they are an easy way to teach self respect, discipline, and confidence to children without the social media validation. For an hour or two each week, kids put down the phones and learn a skill in the here and the now.

Consider a martial arts program with us here at Mastery Martial Arts today.Why

Kids love martial arts.