Psychologists believe that by the age of seven, most of our patterns of behavior, our beliefs, and our habits are formed.

These beliefs are molded by the significant people in our life, especially our mother and father. 

When we encounter obstacles in life, it usually means our habits of behavior are being challenged.

Having a strong understanding of your child’s core values is essential for successful parenting. From the moment they are born, children rely on their parents to provide them with guidance, support and security as they grow into independent adults. 

You have an incredible opportunity to create an incredible childhood for your kids 

I would invite you to consider one of the outcomes is a thorough preparation for your child to live a fulfilling and successful life – which is personal to each parent and family.

By Age 7 – core values are shaped.

1. Positive Mindset – Yes I Can 

2. Respect for all

3. Empathy and compassion toward others

4. A sense of responsibility

5. Self-esteem and self-confidence

6. Curiosity and a desire to learn

7. Courage 

8. Persistence 

9. An understanding of right and wrong with consequences 

10. A connection to family, culture, and traditions

What are Core values? 

Core values are beliefs, attitudes, and principles that guide an individual’s behavior. They shape how a child perceives the world and forms their moral compass. Core values help children make decisions, stay focused on their goals, and develop healthy relationships with others. When core values are instilled in children from a young age, it can have a positive effect on their behavior as they learn to be responsible, honest and respectful. It can also help promote self-confidence and resilience which is essential for successful development into adulthood.

It’s much easier to teach children the right core values from an early age than it is to try and change them later on. Instilling core values in a child from an early age can help create healthy behavior habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. 

Positive Mindset 

Raising your child to develop a positive mindset can have many long-term benefits. A positive outlook can give them the resilience they need to cope with challenging situations and foster optimism for the future. It can also help build better relationships with peers and adults due to their cheerful attitude. Positive thinking opens up new possibilities as children can use their creative abilities to find solutions and generate ideas, fostering problem-solving skills in the process. Ultimately, by teaching your child the power of positivity, you could be helping them become emotionally stronger adults.

What can happen with a negative mindset 

Kids who cannot see the positive in difficult situations or themselves may find themselves struggling with feelings of anxiety and fear. This can lead to a decreased sense of self-worth, as they are unable to cope with challenging life experiences or to trust their own abilities. Over time, this can lead to children developing low self-esteem and even depression. On the other hand, teaching your kids to have a positive attitude will help them build resilience and confidence in themselves, which are essential for their healthy development.

Things parents can do to:

1. Model positive behavior – Show your child that you, as a parent, can remain open-minded and handle difficult situations with grace and gratitude.

2. Practice self-compassion – Teach your child to be kind and understanding towards themselves after they make mistakes or fail in areas of life.

3. Provide encouragement – Acknowledge your child’s successes and helps them stay motivated to continue working hard.

4. Praise effort, not results – Focus on celebrating the journey rather than the end result.

5. Find silver linings – Look for what your child can take away from difficult experiences and help them shift their perspective to see the positive elements within it.

6. Use positive language – Replace negative words such as “can’t” or “won’t” with more optimistic options like “can” or “will try”.

7. Celebrate wins (big & small)– Allow your kids an opportunity to stop and recognize even their smallest victories throughout the day!


Teaching children empathy towards others is an important part of child development. By showing compassion and understanding towards others, children can learn to recognize, understand and respond appropriately to the needs of others around them. Teaching children empathy helps foster strong relationships with peers and adults and can help them understand different perspectives. Empathy is also necessary for moral decision-making and teaches children to think before they act, which can have a big impact on their future success.

Children without empathy may lack the understanding of how their behavior affects those around them and can struggle to build meaningful relationships. They may be more likely to make poor decisions, such as bullying or taking advantage of others, due to their inability to recognize and empathize with other perspectives. As a result, children without empathy may face serious personal and social challenges as they age.

Here is a list of activities that parents can do to promote their child’s understanding of empathy:

1. Model proper behavior for your children

2. Encourage active listening

3. Teach them about people from different backgrounds and cultures

4. Help them identify and respond appropriately to different emotions

5. Encourage role-playing activities

6. Use stories in which characters express empathy

What is Self Esteem and why is it Important 

Self-esteem is defined as an individual’s overall sense of self-worth or the degree to which they value themselves. It is important for children to have a healthy level of self-esteem because it can help them in all areas of life. Children with good self-esteem are more likely to feel confident in their decisions and actions, be able to handle failure better, have positive relationships with others, and even perform better academically. Encouraging your child to set achievable goals and celebrating their milestones, successes, and accomplishments are just a few ways you can help foster positive self-esteem in kids.

The downside to having low self-esteem 

Having low self-esteem can have a profoundly negative impact on your child’s development. It can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, insecurity, and helplessness which can damage their relationships with others. Additionally, having low self-esteem can cause them to be fearful and discouraged when confronted with challenges, leading to avoidance or resignation instead of taking risks to solve problems. Low self-esteem also leads to a lack of trust in their own abilities which causes them to doubt themselves and become trapped in a cycle of negative thinking and feelings.

Things parents can do to Raise their child’s Self-Esteem and Confidence 

1. Offer unconditional love – Show your child that you love and accept them for who they are and support them no matter what.

2. Encourage positive self-talk– Help your child to replace negative or self-critical thoughts with more positive ones.

3. Set realistic expectations – Give your child achievable goals so they can experience success on a regular basis.

4. Validate their feelings – Acknowledge and accept your child’s feelings without judgment, even if you don’t agree with them.

5. Praise effort, not results – Focus on celebrating the journey rather than the end result, as this can help build long-term resilience and motivation even when faced with failure or disappointment.

6. Model empathy – Teach your kids how to be understanding of others by setting an example of how to listen and respond in difficult situations with kindness and compassion.

7. Let them make mistakes – Allow your children some room to learn from their own mistakes in a safe environment where they feel secure enough to take risks without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Raising a Responsible Child 

Having a responsible child means that they are able to recognize their own actions and the consequences that may come from them. It also means they understand their role in the family and society, and they display maturity and integrity in all they do. Responsible children are often able to make good decisions on their own, take ownership of their mistakes when they occur, help around the house, accept responsibility for their actions, exhibit empathy towards others, and respect adults.

The goal of Raising a responsible child requires setting expectations, following through on discipline, demonstrating consistent behavior and modeling expected behavior. Parents should provide responsibility-building activities such as allowing children appropriate amounts of freedom and independence to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it is important for parents to create an environment in which children can explore the world around them safely. Finally, consistent communication between parent and child is essential for understanding topics like rules, consequences, reward systems, and healthy relationships with peers.

Children who lack responsibility can benefit from having clearly defined rules and expectations, and the consequences of not following these expectations should be consistently enforced. Parents should also set a good example for their children by demonstrating responsible behavior and allowing them to observe this on a daily basis. Additionally, providing age-appropriate activities that require problem-solving skills or practical tasks can help build responsibility in children over time. Finally, it is important for parents to give their children plenty of attention and praise so they learn what it takes to be responsible.

A short list of things parents can do: 

1. Set clear rules and expectations with consistent consequences for not following them.

2. Lead by example, demonstrating responsible behavior and allowing children to observe it.

3. Provide age-appropriate activities that require problem-solving and practical tasks.

4. Give plenty of attention and praise to recognize good behavior and decisions.

5. Offer opportunities for additional responsibility as children grow older.

6. Support their efforts to learn through ongoing guidance, encouragement, and positive reinforcement.

Curiosity and the Desire to learn 

Supporting children’s curiosity is an important part of helping them to enjoy learning. It means encouraging them to explore and pursue their interests, taking a hands-on approach to discovering new facts, and allowing them to make mistakes without judgment. Parents can foster their child’s curiosity by providing access to resources like books and art supplies, talking about interesting topics in conversation, asking open-ended questions, exposing them to different cultures and experiences, discussing potential career options, and exploring the world together through travel or virtual tours.

Things parents can do to stimulate curiosity:

1. Ask questions of your children to encourage them to think more deeply and develop their curiosity.

2. Guide your children through activities that allow them to explore their interests and build on what they have already learned.

3. Allow time for experimentation, making mistakes, and learning from different experiences without judgment or punishment.

4. Facilitate conversations about new ideas and topics in a way that is age-appropriate and encouraging to your child’s inquisitive nature.

5. Encourage them to try new things by providing resources such as books, movies, technology, trips, or even just talking with others who can teach them something new.

6. Create an environment of support and encouragement so that your curious kids will feel free to ask questions and explore their own potential without fear of failure or ridicule.

Courage and its important role in a child’s life 

Courage is the strength and determination to face fear, take risks, and pursue a challenging course of action, despite possible risks or uncertainties. It involves confronting fears and going forward with confidence and hope in order to achieve something meaningful. Courageous behavior can help an individual overcome the obstacles standing in their way and reach their ultimate goals.

A child without courage 

A child without courage may feel afraid of trying new activities or challenges. They may also be hesitant to express themselves and their fears, which can lead to frustration or anxiety. Without courage, it can be difficult for a child to form meaningful relationships with others, take risks in life, and develop self-confidence. It is important for parents to provide their children with the tools they need to build their own courage and face life’s challenges head-on.

Here is a list of ways parents can promote courage in their children:

1. Set a good example by demonstrating courage in their own lives.

2. Help children recognize and express their fears, while encouraging them to take small steps towards conquering them.

3. Provide encouragement and support when the child faces new tasks or activities that make them feel uncomfortable or scared.

4. Recognize and reward even tiny acts of courage as this helps build confidence for future challenges.

5. Talk openly about situations where their children have been brave and give praise when deserved.

6. Teach practical problem-solving skills that can be used in difficult situations.

7. Give children opportunities to practice courage through play, such as role-playing scenarios that require bravery or trying out a new activity they would otherwise be too scared to try alone.


Persistence is the quality of having a strong determination to keep going and never give up, even when faced with challenges or obstacles. It’s an important trait for children to learn and adapt, as it can help them become successful in many areas of their lives. Persistence helps children stay focused on their goals and keep trying until they achieve them. It can also help them build resilience and a sense of self-confidence, which are essential for succeeding in life.

When a child doesn’t persist, they are more likely to give up quickly when faced with obstacles or difficult tasks. This can lead to them not reaching their full potential and prevent them from achieving their goals. Persistence is important for children because it teaches them the importance of staying focused, working hard, and having the motivation necessary to reach success. Additionally, it helps them develop problem-solving skills and resilience which are essential in order to navigate life’s challenges.

Here are some activities parents can use to promote persistence in their children:

1. Encourage positive self-talk by praising their accomplishments, even if they’re small.

2. Set short-term goals that are achievable and encourage them to persist until they reach them.

3. Celebrate successes, no matter how small, and discuss any challenges that arose along the way.

4. Provide support when they make mistakes, instead of criticism; focus on how they can correct and improve their actions in the future.

5. Discuss problem-solving skills and how a persistent approach can help them overcome difficult tasks or situations.

6. Demonstrate persistence through your own actions and show your child how it helps you achieve success.

7 Remind your child of a time at first they couldn’t do something now they can. 

Honesty The Right and Wrong and consequences

The real problem with children telling lies 

When a child lies, it can have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Lying is a form of dishonesty that implies an inability to cope with situations or difficulty in being truthful. When faced with an unpleasant situation, a child may feel inclined to lie in order to avoid the outcome or responsibility. In doing so, they are not only damaging their own integrity, but also eroding the trust that exists between them and those around them. This lack of trust can cause feelings of guilt, shame and low self-esteem for the child. It is important for parents to encourage honest communication from their children so they can build strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

It is important for a child to learn the difference between right and wrong in order to develop a strong moral framework and become an upstanding member of society. By understanding what is socially permissible, children can make informed decisions without making mistakes that could have long-lasting consequences. Learning right from wrong also allows children to build empathy and understand the impact of their actions on themselves and others. It helps them cultivate their personal values, build a strong sense of self, and be able to differentiate between ethical behavior and unethical behavior as they grow into adulthood.

Parents can help their children be honest by:

1. Modeling honesty and exhibiting ethical behavior.

2. Reinforcing the importance of truthfulness through discussion, role play and other activities.

3. Encouraging open communication and teaching their child that it is okay to make mistakes.

4. Not punishing their child for being honest or making a mistake.

5. Promoting an environment of trust where children feel comfortable being truthful without fear of reprisal or judgment.

6. Listening to their child’s side of the story before jumping to conclusions or chastising them for lying.

7. Exploring different learning opportunities such as books, movies, classes or games that emphasize the importance of honesty and responsibility in a positive way.

Family roots, culture, and traditions 

It’s important for parents to talk to their children about their family, culture, and traditions. It is a great way to pass on values, beliefs, and knowledge from one generation to the next. It can also help foster a sense of connection and belonging as they learn more about their roots. Talking openly and honestly with your children about your family history, culture, language, and customs can help them understand the world better, respect diversity, and appreciate different perspectives. One great way to start is by sharing stories – funny anecdotes or memories that provide insight into your life and the legacy you wish to leave behind. Additionally, exploring cultural activities such as music, art or cuisine together is a fun way to engage your child while enhancing their appreciation of diverse cultures around the world.

Teaching your children where they come from is a great way to help them understand and appreciate the world around them. It can give them a greater sense of identity, understanding, and connection to their roots. By exploring their family history, culture and traditions, they can gain insight into how different events have shaped the past, present and future. They will also learn how diverse people have contributed to the fabric of society, developing empathy for those with different backgrounds or experiences. Knowing where they come from helps children see a bigger picture – one that reveals the complexities of life, celebrates diversity and fosters inclusivity.

Here are some great ways for parents to explore their family roots, culture, and traditions:

1. Research your family history – Start by speaking with relatives who can share stories that might not be found in records. You can also search through archives, libraries and genealogical sites.

2. Participate in traditional activities – Visit cultural events and festivals to get an understanding of customs and rituals. Learn the language spoken in your culture if possible.

3. Visit important landmarks – Go to places that are meaningful to your family, such as a hometown or ancestral home. This can provide a greater sense of understanding and connection to your past.

4. Explore cultural foods – Share meals that are particularly connected to your heritage or ask elders for special recipes and cooking techniques used by your ancestors.

5. Make art together – Connecting with art from different cultures is a great way to appreciate its beauty while gaining insight into different perspectives and experiences.



Mastery Martial arts can help children develop positive beliefs by teaching important life skills, such as self-discipline, focus, and confidence. It is an activity that allows children to learn in a safe environment without fear of being judged or ridiculed. Martial arts encourage physical activity while also teaching respect for others and the importance of self-control. Additionally, martial arts help children develop courage and resilience by allowing them to challenge themselves in a structured setting. As children progress through their martial arts journey, they become more confident in their abilities and learn to trust themselves, leading to an overall sense of well-being and a positive belief system.

Check out what parents are saying about Mastery Martial arts!

Also check out this blog post on Limiting Beliefs and how to help your child have a growth mindset.